The average house price on SPRING GARDENS TERRACE is £117,842
The most expensive house in the street is 7 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE with an estimated value of £174,941
The cheapest house in the street is 12 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE with an estimated value of £86,944
The house which was most recently sold was 3 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE, this sold on 9 Sep 2022 for £125,000
The postcode for SPRING GARDENS TERRACE is BB12 8JB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Semi-Detached £92,012 £50,000 23 Sep 2005
2 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £137,488 £37,500 17 Nov 2000
3 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £124,917 £125,000 9 Sep 2022
4 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £105,291 £50,000 19 Mar 2004
5 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £135,400 £102,500 9 Dec 2016
6 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £110,529 £65,000 25 Feb 2013
7 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £174,941 £100,000 9 Jun 2006
10 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £93,056 £39,000 30 May 2003
12 SPRING GARDENS TERRACE Terraced £86,944 £78,000 29 Oct 2021